
by Head for Dreams

To see water in your dream symbolises your subconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. To dream that water is boiling suggests that you are expressing some emotional turmoil. Feelings from your subconscious are surfacing and ready to be acknowledged. You need to let out some steam. To see calm, clear water in your dream means that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation. To dream of water that is black coloured signifies an emotional void in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream means that you are mourning about something. If someone throws water at you in your dream, then it implies that you need to show more of your emotions. You have been too disconnected from others. Alternatively, it may mean that you need to cool off.

To see muddy or dirty water in your dream indicates that you are wallowing in your negative emotions. You may need to take some time to cleanse your mind and find internal peace. Alternatively, the dream suggests that your thinking/judgment is unclear and clouded. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates that you are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions. To dream that water is rising up in your house suggests that you are becoming overwhelmed by your emotions.

To hear running water in your dream denotes meditation and reflection. You are reflecting on your thoughts and emotions.  Dreaming of a crystallized body of water indicates that you are looking for some emotional stability in your life. Dreaming about fire and water together symbolises a polarizing issue in your waking life. You are going through an emotional conflict and it is pulling you in two directions.

To dream that you are walking on water indicates that you have total control over your emotions. It also suggests that you need to “stay on top” of your emotions and not let them explode out of hand. Alternatively, the dream is symbolic of faith in yourself. If you dream that a wall of water is coming towards you, then it implies that your emotions are welling up and can potentially close you off to others. To dream that you can bend water represents your ability to control your emotions. You can hide your feelings well.

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