ATM Machine

by Head for Dreams

To see or use an ATM Machine in your dream represents your desires for financial security. The dream may be trying to offer reassurance; your fears of financial instability are unfounded. If you are withdrawing money from the ATM Machine, then it suggests that you are expending too much energy on fruitless endeavors and are in danger of depleting your inner resources. If you are depositing money into the ATM Machine, then it symbolises the energies that you are investing into a project.

To dream that the ATM Machine gives you more money that you were due refers to your inflated ego. You have a sense of entitlement to certain things.

Dreaming that the ATM Machine is spitting out something else instead of money highlights your financial concerns. You are spending money on something that could be used towards something more worthwhile. The dream could also be analogous to spending time on something or someone not worthwhile.

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